Notice Keiths face now. Clearly Brother Douglas is not acting corny..he's acting ticked off! Rightfully so, that place stunk on ice or for this matter corn. We should have lit that place on fire and turned it to a world record pop corn fest. Back to the story. We stayed in Custer Sate Park and camped. That was fun! Nothing like camping in a T-Storm. We arrived at our final stop, Montana. Here we met up with Keiths Aunt and Uncle who are some of the nicest people I have had the privilege to meet. We all went to a driving range and teed off. None of us are big golfers. I haven't been to a course in years. But Keith and I discovered we don't stink at it. We kind of enjoy it. So when we went back home, Keith and I got clubs and headed to Nemadji Gold Course in Superior. We got on the range and all things went well. We hit the balls good and no one died. Then came the ball cart that scoops up the balls on the range. The driver was a kid who was 16ish. He drove around and taunted us and the other golfers to show off in front of some girls. As any red blooded men would do we made a dash for our bin of balls and got to aiming. The kid just kept it up, cursing at us and laughing. I saw Keith dip down and grab a ball..put it never went on a tee..Keith gets Brett Favre on the cart and throws the ball at him. Some how, some way, that ball made it through a small gab and Keith beaned that kid on the side of the head! The cart comes to a halt! The kid yells "awwwww my head! Some choice words". The girls are laughing at this kid..insult to injury! Keith and I are just busting up laughing, that was a one and a million shot. We start to head out to return Keiths clubs, we saw the kid with a ice pack. All in all it was a nice day on the range! Lesson learned don't mouth off to a man with a Favre like arm and a golf ball.
Rev Rugg
keith is gonna love this babe! miss you, come home!
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