Ah yes, another story with the Rev and Brother Keith. If you read my post about the grill this will kind of follow that up, if you haven't read that yet..your a sinner and you should go back and read it NOW! So now to the story. Keiths boat is now finished. All the re-wiring that needed to be done is done. What's the game plan now? Camping of course. Keith and I like to go out and explore cool places to camp, last year we went to a top secret spot that only Keith and I..plus a few other brothers know about..it's called "The Clearing". This year because Keith bought a new boat we decided to go to the middle of Amnicon Lake were there is an island you can camp on. We packed the boat with our camping gear, which included this:
Enough soda to make your bladder burst wide open, which was all drank in one night! So with the boat packed with our gear we decided to head out on our journey. We arrived at the boat landing in the afternoon and launched the boat. We got to the island and set up our camp:
Camp was now fully set up and all systems were a go! We got into Keith boat and went for a cruise, then back to the landing to pick up Brother Jeff so fishing can be done.
Yep, Brother Keiths boat in action! Anyways...we go out and Keith and Jeff fish for a bit, then we return to our camp site. When we found this:
Yep, this is many people docked on our spot, 14 people all together with kids. They just decided that this was a good spot to pull up and let there kids run wild, they were all drinking MGD's and most of the adults were completely lit, which is awesome when your operating a boat, even better when you have kids with! They said "aw, I hope you don't mind we just wanted to find some shore so the kids can swim" Your on a lake brother..your surrounded by beach, this is like someone pulling over in a car, getting out then letting their kids play in your front yard. "aw, I thought the kids could play and I thought here is some grass" We had all of our cooking stuff out and our sodas. Plus some dangerous stuff kids shouldn't be around with, like hatchets. I mean come on! Does this seem right? Use common sense! They invited us to have a beer, which we declined, we waited them out, then went back out on the lake to fish more, then we dropped of Brother Jeff. Later that night we ate and just relaxed for a bit. When it was time to go to bed, I asked Brother Keith for a flashlight so I could see and get my sleeping bag unfolded. I UNZIPPED my tent when I found another intruder..a frog! One of those kids went into my tent and put a frog in it. The Rev was hot! But after a while I cooled down. This is the most bizarre camping trip I had in a while..nothing new to the Rev..all in a days work!
Rev. Rugg


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