Brothers and Sisters I like to start my blogs off with a bit of a story before I share a photo, but this is just not one of those times! The man looking freacked out in the photo is my buddy Josh, take a look to his left and you will see the hat I will discuss. That's right an Elmo hat. Now I will begin:
Josh and I were hanging out playing wii at his home. We were trying to figure out the plans for the night, then Josh got an idea. he said "Lets go to Apple Bees for half off apps". Now that's an idea...I have not done this in a long time. So I invite my buddy Keith to come along as well. We arrive there and order our food. Josh ordered some boneless wings for his wife Amber to go, he told the waiter to start the order when they bring the check. Well a waitress comes to our table and brings our orders plus the to go box. We were baffled! Why would we want the to go food with our food? It doesn't make sense, the girl asked if there was a problem, Josh said yes I didn't want that yet, she looked blown away....I can keep them warm if you want, she said. Josh said we don't know how long we will be kickin it so he preferred fresh. Rock on Brother Josh,Rock on! But throughout our dinner I saw this kid behind Josh with that hat. I couldn't handle it. It was like Elmo playing hide and seek behind his head. I thought I was having flash backs. I wanted to do something to that hat..and it wasn't tickling it that's for sure. I mean, what 16 year kid still thinks Elmo is cool, I was down with Sesame Street when I was a kid but not die hard enough to rock a Elmo hat as a kid? So after about 40 mins of hide and seek the kid left and I got my sanity back! A short post for you yes, but picture that thing popping back and forth behind your friends head..I'm still having nightmares.
Rev. Rugg
Friday, August 6, 2010
The Rev Talks About Stupid Hats!
Posted by revrugg at 11:22 AM
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