Hello Brothers and Sisters, it's good to be back. I have made a vow to spread my joy once again to my followers, and I'm ready to tee off on TRUCKS. Now the first thing you may have thought was "Rev, Whats up with the anti truck attitude?" Let me make myself clear...I bleed pure testosterone and am in mow way shape or form an anti-truckanist. I am against a breed of truck, a style if you will, that is found all over the southern states. It's called "gangsta" or to us "neutered"! Let me give you a proper example:
<---- This is a an example of a truck that has had its testosterone bearing parts removed and has become a joke on 4 wheels. This truck used to be able to haul,tow,carry whatever you wanted. Now it can not go off road, can
not carry a load and is a $45,000 joke. Brothers! Can I get an Amen! Would you take this hunting? Haul Hay? Pull a trailer full of snowmobiles? NO! It cant...never again! What is the point then? To say I have a truck that looks I am important and a go getter? An attempt at a date...this is an epic fail! Southerners! Let me show you a truck I would like to call manzilla!
<--- This is what a truck should look like! This truck says, Hey Baby! get in! Or Lets go mudding..or lets go be nice and tow "Gangsta" with the blown out tires! Why use a gun to hunt when you can just run over a buck!
This is what a truck should look like, please..please DO NOT drive the "Gangsta" model, you will just look stupid! Drive the above model Brothers!
Till next time!!!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
The Unmanly Trucks and My Take!
Posted by revrugg at 5:11 PM
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